Sunday 27 November 2011

More Character Work

I finished up my head for the 3D Facial Modelling module today, I got to use ZBrush for the first time which was really fun.. definitely looking forward to using that more for future projects! I'm not completely happy with how the piece turned out but we have a 3D Body Modelling module next year so I'm going to try and improve over Christmas ready for that.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Environment Work

I've been working on some more of my 3D Modelling for Film module and I'm really enjoying it! I much prefer working on Environments than Characters so I've put a lot more time into this piece so far..

Friday 4 November 2011

3D Facial Modelling

This week I started on another module as that hand-in is coming up quite soon. It's not something I planned on working on as I would like to aim towards Prop/Environment work rather than Character related art but this was enjoyable none-the-less.